Want to submit a piece to voices in movement?

Whether you are well practiced in writing, or are more of a personal journal writer, we want you to use Voices in Movement as a platform to amplify your ideas.

Read more below to learn how to submit your piece to our team!

We strive for an accessible and diverse publication, that is open to contributors with varying degrees of confidence in their chosen medium.

If you’re eager to contribute, but don’t have experience writing for publication, Voices in Movement can provide you with mentorship to facilitate your journey from pen, to paper, to publication.




Voices in Movement is a supportive space for young people to vocalise their passion, research and/or lived experience, on the issues they care about. We’re looking for pitches on human rights issues in Australia, and internationally, in a variety of forms, including:

  • Opinion and thought pieces

  • Journalism

  • Interviews

  • Fiction and poetry

  • Reviews of events, books, music and exhibitions

  • Multimedia: photography, artwork, video and audio including spoken word


Our readership is interested in human rights, but we want to keep the language accessible.

Avoid writing in legalese, and while you’re there, leave the footnotes at the door.


Keep your fine piece of work to 1,000 words please.


There’s no one quite like you, so make sure your work is as authentic and original as you are sweet thang.

We also don’t accept material that is untrue, seeks to defame or is discriminatory in any way - because that’d just be gross.


Send pitches and submissions to our editor alice@voicesofinfluence.com.au

Include your name, contact details, a short bio, and your social accounts so we can elevate you across our networks!