our mission

  • 95%

    of young people believe that people between the ages of 18-30 can change the world.

  • 62%

    of people don’t feel like their voices are heard on the global stage.

  • 43.7%

    of people lack access to opportunities that equip them with the skills or resources needed to make an impact in the world.

Voices of Influence Australia

moving the masses from passive, individual consciences into active, collective voices for human rights globally.

— Voices of Influence Australia.

Voices of Influence Australia


To improve youth participation in the governance of human rights, conceptual and structural barriers need to be removed and groundwork that facilitates meaningful participation must be introduced.

A key barrier is conceptual: we need to change the way we think about young people. Far from seeing youth as a potential problem (or a bulge or threat) that needs solutions, youth must be reconceptualised as potential solutions to existing problems. This requires empowering them as human rights defenders rather than mere recipients.

The second barrier is overcoming the shrinking democratic spaces open to young people. Protection of freedoms of opinion and expression, association and peaceful assembly are necessary precursors to youth participation. This includes creating spaces for young people to speak about their human rights, or lack thereof.

Therefore, the purpose of Voices of Influence Australia is twofold, we are:

  1. reconteptualising young people as solutions to existing problems;

  2. creating spaces and opportunities to facilitate young peoples participation in the discussions and democractic processes concerning human rights and social justice.

Follow our journey.

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