On 26 August 2021 the Senate referred Australia’s Engagement in Afghanistan to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee for inquiry with an interim report 29 November 2021 and the final report by the first sitting week in February 2022.
As an organisation, Voices of Influence Australia recognise and assert the need for the voices of young people to be heard across the complexity of human rights, peace and conflict, and counter-terrorism issues – particularly in regard to the Australia’s engagement in Afghanistan.
Voices of Influence Australia responded to selected parts of the Terms of Reference and made 10 recommendations to address:
Australia's twenty-year military, diplomatic and development engagement in Afghanistan including limited successes and the costs of Australia's engagement.
How the Australian Government should respond to recent developments in Afghanistan in order to protect Australia's national security, prevent or mitigate damage to Australia's international reputation and protect Australian citizens, visa holders, and Afghan nationals who supported Australian forces, where they remain in Afghanistan.
Related matters include the critical importance of lifting the ban on the resettlement of refugees to Australia through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Indonesia (a ban which has been in place since 2014).