Feminist Fun Pack

Taylah Spirovski

Taylah is a tenacious and fiercely vocal young lawyer. In her role as Chief Executive Officer, Taylah coordinates policy-based projects and initiatives to advance the rights of vulnerable communities, while also managing the Voices of Influence Australia legal portfolio. Taylah is a strong voice for women’s rights, where across all of her publications and grassroots activism, she agitates for policy development and law reform that will contribute to a more safe, fair and equal world. To this tune, Taylah also sits on the Board of Women Illawarra, a not-for-profit welfare organisation run by women for women. She is committed to having the needs of diverse women met and heard.

In all of her work, Taylah strives for both sustainability and social impact. She is committed to the protection of human rights and amplifying diverse voices.


Human Rights and Climate Change, who cares? Australians do!


“Women Deserve More” - An IWD Thought Piece By Taylah Spirovski